What is Sofwave Program?
Sofwave Program is a skin-tightening and wrinkle reduction device that utilizes breakthrough, non-invasive Synchoronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology SUPURBTM to revitalize the skin by addressing mild to modest skin laxity through the stimulation of new collagen production at the depth of 1.5 mm mid-dermis that the most advanced method to achieve a highly effective solution for better skin.
Sofwave program Mode of Action
Sofwave program uses a unique, Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Array technology that generates heat 1.5 mm in the mid-dermis, which is the optimal depth for wrinkle treatment, while the outer layer of skin is bypassed and protected. The emitted sound waves are converted to heat, causing the treatment zones to stimulate a healing response. As a result, collagen in the skin will be replenished, which reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as create a smoother and tighter skin complexion. Sofwave
TM also comes with an integrated cooling mechanism that protects the outer layer of the skin during treatment, preventing it from burning.
Key Benefit of Sofwave Program
Coagulate more tissue area more quickly at the depth of 1.5 mm (mid dermis)
Less pain and no downtime with Integrated epidermis cooling SofcoolTM
Non-invasive & Fast treatment 30 minutes for full face
Clinically Safe, proven efficacy with patient satisfaction
Patients notice a result much sooner
The final result takes about 3 months.
The results last longer for 6 – 12 months. (Individual result may vary.)
Proven Clinical Efficacy
Pre-clinical trials demonstrated a clear tissue effect with optimal safety.
Ultrasound energy is absorbed and cannot penetrate deeper than 2 mm guaranteeing no injury to underlying nerves, bones and facial fat.
All high intensity transducers of SUPERB™ operate simultaneously.
Fractional cylindrical thermal zones are created.
According to Sofwave program Clinical studies
* 88% of patients were marked as improved or significantly improved in the appearance of facial wrinkles after a single Sofwave program.
* 72% of Subjects satisfied self-rate improve to very improve on GAIS scale.
How long does it take to see results?
Immediate results can be seen as soon as 1 week following the treatment. However, the collagen regeneration process can sometimes take up to 12 weeks, so patients are expected to see ongoing improvements in the 3-month period after their treatment
How is Sofwave program different from other cosmetic procedures?
Today there are various energy-based technologies designed to treat facial lines and wrinkles, among them: ablative and non-ablative laser technology, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), radiofrequency devices and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). Yet, the need for non-invasive aesthetic treatments with proven efficacy, safety and minimal downtime, are still unfulfilled. The more aggressive options can cause damage to the upper skin, which in turn, requires a long healing period and considerable downtime. In addition, there is a higher risk of side effects, including discoloration and discomfort. Even RF micro needling treatments, that have recently become popular, can be uncomfortable, risky and require lengthy downtime. On the other hand, other non-invasive solutions haven’t shown adequate results High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has also become an accepted mode of treatment for treating wrinkles. This treatment has been associated with multiple drawbacks, among them, limited treatment areas, longer treatment times, excessive pain and additional adverse effects, such as burns and injury to nerves. Sofwave’s unique Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology SUPERB? protects the skin surface with a cooling mechanism and the treatment is effective, safe and comfortable for most patients. There is no downtime or pain post treatment.
What does the Sofwave treatment feel like?
As the ultrasound energy is delivered, patients may feel warmness of the skin. Treatment is comfortable simply by applying a topical anesthetic cream just prior to the treatment. Following treatment, there are no sensations and there is no need to apply special care on the skin. Patient may resume their daily care immediately post treatment
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Please call 098-829-0922

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